The Earth and the Moon
In the past, people believed that the Earth was flat and that the Sun passed over and under the Earth to produce day and night. Now we know that the Earth is a sphere. We also know that day and night, the seasons, tides and eclipses are caused by the movement of the Earth and the Moon in space and the position of these bodies in relation to the Sun.
Esta secuencia contiene:
9 actividades
86 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
Didactic objectives To question oneself on natural phenomena such as the changes in the seasons, the phases of the Moon, eclipses and tides. Compare the information provided with previous knowledge. [...]
1. The Earth's movements The Earth moves at high speed through the Milky Way. At the same time that the Earth turns on its axis (rotation), it also moves around the Sun (revolution). [...]
In the past, people believed that the Earth was flat and that the Sun passed over and under the Earth to produce day and night. Now we know that the Earth is a sphere. [...]
1.1 The earth moves in space The Earth (as part of the Solar System) moves at a very high speed through the galaxy it is part of, the Milky Way. It also makes two other types of movements: Rotation, where the Earth turns on its axis. [...]
2.1. The earth's layers The Earth is a rocky, almost spherical planet. Its radius is 6373 kilometres. There is a lot of activity inside the Earth. [...]
3.1. General characteristics of the moon The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. It is 49 times smaller than our planet. [...]
4.1. Eclipses An eclipse occurs when the Earth, the Moon and the Sun are in a straight line. At this moment, the Earth or the Moon comes between the other two celestial bodies. [...]
In the past, people believed that the Earth was flat and that the Sun passed over and under the Earth to produce day and night. Now we know that the Earth is a sphere. [...]
In the past, people believed that the Earth was flat and that the Sun passed over and under the Earth to produce day and night. Now we know that the Earth is a sphere. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
12 años:
- Biología
- Geologia
13 años:
- Geologia
- Biología
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